Wednesday 7 July 2021

The Open Source Computer Science Degree



Open Source Computer Science Degree



Open Source Computer Science Degree


Hello guys todays you know one of the most important resources for anyone getting into cyber security or computer science for that matter so i usually get a lot of questions that are pertinent to you know the fundamentals of you know of computer science and they're very very important in cyber security primarily because in order to to actually attack a system or to exploit the system you need to know how that system works and you know i've said it over the last couple of years that i do recommend having a background in computing if you want to actually be successful in cyber security for that very matter and the reason i say that is because a lot of the things covered within a computer science program are a you know fundamental to understanding computing in general and understanding you know specialized topics within computing like programming algorithms operating system design so on and so forth so this the title of this video as it as it says is going to be around the open source computer science degree so this is going to be a set of resources for anyone who is interested in learning the fundamentals of computer science either for the purpose of getting into cyber security or for anyone who wants to pursue a career in technology and you know maybe does not have the ability to go to university or anything like that um so again these the set of resources that i'm going to be going through in this article are going to be absolutely free and the links to these resources will be in the below section.

I want to highlight here is of course many people say that you know you can pretty much find any information that you require online and that's perfectly true but when we when it comes down to a an online self-paced degree that's absolutely free one of the most important things that you require or that is required is structure right and you need to have structure similar to what you'd have in a university or a college.

so let's get started with the first resource the first resource is ossu which is which stands for the open source society university this is the github repository right over here and this is a path to a self-taught education in computer science as it says right over here so you can go through the summary it essentially gives you a breakdown of what this particular you know program or this particular set of resources will help you achieve or will help you learn so as you can see in the summary here and i'll just go through the first few lines the ossu curriculum is a complete education in computer science using online materials it's not merely for career training or professional development it's for those who want a proper well-rounded grounding in concepts fundamental to all computing disciplines.


Provided by ossu-firebaseapp





It is designed according to the degree requirements of undergraduate computer science majors, minus general education (non-CS) requirements, as it is assumed most of the people following this curriculum are already educated outside the field of CS. The courses themselves are among the very best in the world, often coming from Harvard, Princeton, MIT, and other great universities.






So the next resource is a spreadsheet and this is known as again essentially just a a list of resources that are actually a part of the standard computer science curriculum that again are structured to give you everything you need to know or everything that or would be covered in a bachelor degree in computer science so again it's sorted into the alias level discipline who it's offered by the course title the credits and the link now most of these resources are available on youtube with a few exceptions you know most of the other courses are either from stanford mit or or are on coursera so for example the reason why i added this resource is because it actually adds you know additional resources on sites like youtube which is great a lot of people learn a lot of things from youtube and most of these courses are actually full so you can see it's offered by stanford cs 106b this is introduction to programming so this is the the course title is programming abstraction so i can click on that and it's going to take me to the youtube playlist which in this case it doesn't for some weird reason it looks like that particular playlist doesn't really exist so that's again something that isn't isn't added there most of the links might might be expired but again you can go through that yourself let's take a look at a few more here you have intensive introduction to computer science that is provided by harvard and on the edx platform.




Brought to you by BSinCS.xlsx






The Open-Source Computer Science Degree


Inspired by The Open-Source Data Science Masters, this project aims to do the same for an undergraduate Computer Science degree. The following document outlines free online courses from top schools like Harvard, Stanford and MIT. The groupings by Term are meant to pace and structure the course according to a typical Computer Science track at a college or university. The focus is on the core Computer Science courses; liberal arts or "GenEd" courses have been omitted.


Intro to Computer Science - Discrete Mathematics for Computer Science - Data Structures - Computer Architecture - UX Design - Intro to Web Development - Intro to Databases - Operating Systems - Computer Graphics - Programming Languages Theory - Algorithms - System Engineering - Introduction to Embedded Systems and Real-Time Systems - Software Engineering - Principles of Computing - Computer Networking - Mobile Software Development - Programming Languages & Compilers - Artificial Intelligence - Parallel Computing - Machine Learning The Open Source Computer Science Degree





Teach Yourself Computer Science

If you’re a self-taught engineer or bootcamp grad, you owe it to yourself to learn computer science. Thankfully, you can give yourself a world-class CS education without investing years and a small fortune in a degree program 💸.

There are plenty of resources out there, but some are better than others. You don’t need yet another “200+ Free Online Courses” listicle.






A Self-Learning, Modern Computer Science Curriculum

The great idea of constructive type theory is that there is no distinction between programs and proofs… Theorems are types (specifications), and proofs are programs" (Robert Harper)

This is a collection of modern resources on various undergrad level computer science topics, for someone with an interest in theory. Use WorldCat or LibGen if you can't buy these books. You don't have to do everything here, just whatever interests you. If I list a resource here it's because I either completed the whole resource or I used parts of it for something I needed to learn and found it a quality enough resource to include here for somebody else who wants deeper coverage of these topics.

Table of Contents

    1. Introduction
        1.1. Studying Strategies
        1.2. Discord channel
    2. Preliminaries
        2.1. Introduction to Computer Science
        2.2. Tools
        2.3. Assumed Mathematical Background
    3. Functional Programming
        3.1. Principles of Functional Programming
    4. Algebra
        4.1. Linear Algebra
        4.2. Abstract Algebra
    5. Discrete Mathematics
        5.1. Introduction to Pure Mathematics
        5.2. Discrete Math with Standard ML
        5.3. Great Theoretical Ideas in Computer Science
    6. Computer Systems & Architecture
        6.1. x86 Computer Systems
        6.2. RISC-V Architecture
        6.3. Operating Systems
    7. Compilers
    8. Database Systems
        8.1. Advanced Database Systems
    9. Web
    10. Data Science
        10.1. Practical Data Science
        10.2. Introduction to Computational Thinking
        10.3. Advanced Data Science
    11. Introduction to Computer Music
    12. Meta-Linguistic Abstraction
        12.1. Advanced SICP
    13. Natural Language Processing
    14. Programming Language Theory
    15. Isolating Software Failure, Proving Safety and Testing
        15.1. Physical Systems Software Security
    16. Algorithms
        16.1. Introduction to Parallel and Sequential Algorithms
        16.2. Functional Data Structures
        16.3. Advanced Data Structures
        16.4. Algorithm Design
    17. Complexity Theory
        17.1. Undergraduate Complexity Theory
        17.2. Graduate Complexity Theory
        17.3. Useful Math for Theoretical CS
    18. Introduction to Quantum Computing
    19. Performance Engineering
    20. Topics in Mathematics for Finance
    21. Jobs
    22. Graduate Research in Type Theory
        22.1. Basic Proof Theory
        22.2. Intro to Category Theory
        22.3. Type Theory Foundations
        22.4. Higher Dimensional Type Theory
            22.4.1. Computational Higher Type Theory (CHiTT)
            22.4.2. Homotopy Type Theory (HoTT)
        22.5. Further Research
    23. Graduate Research in Machine Learning/AI
        23.1. General AI
        23.2. Math Background for ML
        23.3. Statistics Theory
        23.4. Modern Regression
        23.5. Introduction to Machine Learning
        23.6. Introduction to Practical Machine Learning
        23.7. Advanced Introduction to ML
        23.8. Advanced Statistical learning theory
        23.9. Convex Optimization
        23.10. Deep Learning
        23.11. Further Research
    24. Graduate Research Elective: Cryptography
        24.1. Graduate Cryptography Intro
        24.2. Applied Cryptography
        24.3. Future Research








This course or internship is neither mine nor I am promoting it wrongly. My intention is that all the content of this course or internship which is knowledge should reach you (For FREE) and  through this course or internship, people can increase their knowledge and help others. If someone sends this course or internship through money then I am not responsible for it nor is it the website.

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Hacking Truth

CEO & Founder

My Self Kumar Atul Jaiswal Urf HackerboY and Kumar Atul Jaiswal is a name among millions who struggled failed and surged ahead in search of how to become a Hacker ( passionate about Hacking just like profession an entrepreneur ), just like any middle class guy, he too had a bunch of unclear dreams and a blurred version of his goals in life 😊.


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